The Differences Between Bad Ass and bad ...The Series We have all seen them. Chances are, we have gotten lost while trying to navigate through them. We have all gotten frustrated by them. You may even be responsible for one of two of them. Of course, I am talking about Websites . These days it is almost impossible to go through a day that does not require the use or guidance of a website. It can sometimes be comically infuriating, encountering a poorly designed or executed page, especially with all of the resources that are readily available the assist with the creation and improvement of said sites. Seeing some of the cringe-worthy sites helps us to truly appreciate the well-designed and maintained sites. Let's explore some examples of both and what makes them Bad Ass or just plain bad. This may be a good time to mention that I will not be picking on a website's grammar or subject matter. Quite frankly, because there are way too many sil...
Showing posts from December, 2019